Rituals for the New Moon/New Year
In this pre-recorded online course, you will learn 1) what medical intution is, 2) how to use the Vest Protocol to do clairvoyant scans for physicla causes, 3) clairaudient scans for physical causes,4) claircognizant scans, and 5) zoom-in scans as well as 6) how to use telepathy with an organ. I also discuss 7) the emotional causes of illness 8) ethics for the medical intuitive. Over 50 modules that incldue text, short videos, quizzes, and exercises. Enrollemnt also gives you access to a Mighty Community Medical INtution circle where you can find classmates to practice with. Enroll today!
Student Testimonials
Remember that appearance I had at the Intuitive Medicine Summit on the Shift Network? Well, they invited me to teach a course for the network! WOOHOO.
And they want testimonials. If you have been a student of mine and would like to provide a text or video testimonial to support my upcoming course at The Shift Network, I would really appreciate it. To send a text testimonial just email it to me  drvest@drvestmedicalintuitve.com. To make a video testimonial, please follow these instructions on how to record a video testimonial (Shift Guidelines), which you can upload here when complete. The Shift Network is asking that these tesimonials be recorded by February 7, 2023. Thank you so much!
If you would like to earn money by promoting my courses, contact me to sign up as an affilliate. Affiliates will promote my course to their mailing list. For every student that enrolls from your link, you will earn 35% of tuition or approximately $100 per student. This is easy money!
I have five tuition waivers to offer for my upcoming Indigensous Medical Intuition course. If you are interested, and you have a skillset in one of the following areas, please contact me about an exchange.
I am currently seeking assistance with the following tasks:
+building email list
+setting up shopify store 
+graphics design for POD products
+camera person for brief pre-recorded videos
New Moon News 
The new moon is the second of three full moons that occur each month. It is the smallest and closest to Earth of the three full moons.  The new moon is often seen as a time of hope and optimism and is a good time to refresh your altar and make new goals for the coming month. In Hoodoo, the new moon is a good time for setting intentions or making juju related to gaining or increasing one's personal power.
The new moon on January 21st is historic as it will be closer to the Earth than it has been since the Middle Ages. This makes it a powerful time to do ritual. It is also significant because it marks the beginning of the Lunar New Year, a major festival celebrated across Asia, particularly in China. This year is the year of the rabbit.
Examples of affirmations, juju, and rituals you can do over the next three days to take advantage of their new moon/new year energy are the following:
1. Clean your altar by sage-ing all your items and setting new intentions
2. Purge and/or burn a few items from your house that are symbolically aligned with something you don't want to bring into this new moon/new year (e.g. overdue bills, emails/letters from discordant people, objects belonging to an ex-lover, etc)
3. Create a new medicine/juju bag to bring luck, money, spiritual clarity, or love to your life
4. Sweeping the entryways to your home with red brick, florida water, or salt water
5. Visionboard, alone or with friends and family
6. Tear up or burn old lists of to-do's and goals
7. Write out a new list of goals and to-do's for this month/new year
8. Remove all the spider webs and durst from your home and put new pennies in all the corners
The tour continues in February. I have been invited to do book-signings at Barnes and Nobles in LA and Temecula and have also been invted to do a book event in Santa Monica. Events planned for SF as well. Stay tuned for dates.
Thank you everyone who has come to my previous book evetns. They have all been so well attended! Thank you also to those who wrote reveiws for my book on Goodreads or Amazon or Barnes and Noble. The more reviews the better! Plese buy the book and share your review!
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